Photo by Taryn Kaahanui on Unsplash
Last Getting Unstiuck we talked about deliberately noticing when your thinking mind thoughts ( I am going to fail, I will be embarrassed, I am too old/young I am not skilled enough etc.) creep into your planning and then stopping to ask yourself if those thoughts are helpful in moving forward?
If the answer was “no” then you were to keep moving in the planned direction without heeding to the thinking mind thoughts.
In other words, you let the thinking mind jabber on while you continue on your intended path.
The whole idea is to be able neutralize the meaning you have attached to those thoughts.
How do you do this?
It comes through practicing Mindfulness—"the practice of paying attention and staying present in the moment.”
By being mindful you will not attach any past or future meaning to events as they occur.
Thoughts like “ I am going to fail, I will be embarrassed, I am too old/young, I am not skilled enough become only words without the meaning you may have previously attached to them.
Mindfulness is a powerful process that allows you to experience what you are doing now in the present instead of the past or the future.
When you are present you can let your thinking mind jabber on an move forward acting on your strengths in the direction of your values and get Unstuck.
Interested in learning more about what mindfulness is not?. Watch this video