Wednesday’s Job Search Engineer is a weekly blog post with quick questions and answers about basic job searches
Are You Having Trouble With Behavioral Questions?
Behavioural questions are the ones where the interviewer asks you to describe a time where you dealt with a particular experience such as: dealing with a conflict with co worker or boss or difficult customer, too much work on your plate, or a failure on the job. They will ask you what happened and what were the results
Here are 4 tips:
1. Be ready for the above questions because they are very commonly asked in interviews.
2. Be authentic. Don’t recite canned answers from the web they have heard them too many times.
3. Don’t ever say you have never had such an experience think harder you have had them!
4. Think like an interviewer. What kinds of problems will likely to come up frequently on the job you are being interviewed for? Prepare a 40 second story from your experience for each one.
5. Use the star method to answer the question
Are you considering a career transition? Wayne Greenway is the Chief Executive Officer for Career Aviators. Career Aviators a Certified B Corporation® helps professionals, managers, and executives find positions in which they will excel, value highly, and love to do. The profits from our work support programs to help vulnerable youth flourish in the face of highly stressful life situations.