Career Aviators Outplacement Programme

Downsizing is difficult for everyone involved. No employer likes saying goodbye to valued staff. Meanwhile, no employee wants to find themselves jobless or see their colleagues suffer that fate. 

Career Aviators helps smooth that transition to ensure departing employees land on their feet and can move towards a new and enriching opportunity. Meanwhile, their colleagues back at work maintain their productivity, knowing that the outgoing employees will have one-to one support until they find positions in which they will that they love and that set them up to excel, value highly and love to do.


No Time Limits

We conduct customized twice weekly one-on-one consultations with outgoing employees until they secure a new position — guiding them through the process of defining their core strengths and passions, setting career goals and helping them identify and pursue opportunities for new employment. We work with employees of every level of seniority, from junior staffers all the way to the C suite.


Addressing the Psychological Impact

Career Aviators recognizes how difficult job loss can be to outgoing employees. The psychological impact can dramatically affect their capacity to make a successful career transition. By working with an experienced clinical social worker, clients can expedite their job search and optimize their presentation of themselves, by clearing any psychological blocks in order to put their best authentic self forward to a new potential employer.



We ask for $1700 -$3,500, per client (negotiated based upon type of employer, leadership level, and the size of the firm)


Advantages for Employers

When you choose career management services from Career Aviators, you:

  1. Maintain a more constructive relationship with your departing employees through their outgoing direct work with a clinical social worker

  2. Preserve good morale among those that remain because they know that their outgoing colleagues will have support until they have transitioned into a new position

  3. Limit your liability

  4. Save on career management costs

  5. Protect your brand

  6. Contribute to local youth — as a social purpose enterprise, we direct our profits into youth leadership initiatives

Benefits to Outgoing Employees

Our eight-step process helps departing employees successfully navigate the transition, envision new career possibilities and realize their goals. We help our clients:

  1. Explore and clear any psychological blocks to prepare themselves for their career search with a clinical social worker who specializes in modalities such as, Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR)

  2. Discover the career direction they want to pursue

  3. Connect with professionals in their target industry

  4. Devise the right search strategy to secure job interviews

  5. Tailor their resume and cover letter to stand out from the crowd

  6. Hone effective interview skills to land the job that fits

  7. Negotiate the best possible job offer