We offer you...
Identify your direction to find positions that you love and that set you up to excel.
We work side by side with you, on a weekly basis, until you land your new position.
Career Aviators is a certified B Corp™. All profit is directed to innovative youth leadership initiatives that strengthen the resilience of youth living in stressful life situations. Your career advancement is a lasting gift to these youth.
We build upon what you do well. Expedite your search feeling light in spirit but determined in your approach.
Finding a job is often more challenging than doing most jobs. You may get discouraged momentarily, but you won’t get stuck.
Our persistence is contagious! Sometimes motivation slips — we get it. Together we'll make sure you stay on track.
This journey is hard to do alone. Together, we will form a team in your targeted field to accelerate your search for offers.
You pay a small deposit when you start. We work with you on a weekly basis until you land your new position. Then we give you the opportunity to evaluate your experience and pay what you think the service is worth to you.
Imagine spending 60% of your waking hours with meaning, a sense of accomplishment, positive relationships and even fun. Together, we will help you make this happen.