Want to Be A Career Management Consultant?


Career Aviators Career Management Consultancy Opportunity

Would you like to learn how to help clients find careers in which they excel, value highly and love to do? Are you ready to open and operate your own career management firm with minimal risk?

Would you like to become part of a mutually supportive network that helps clients to flourish in their careers and lives?.

Career Aviators is searching for individuals across Canada who would like to become career management consultants. This opportunity will give you all the training and ongoing support you need to enable you to grow your own career management firm or add career coaching/management to your services if you are already a coach or HR consultant.

 About Career Aviators

Career Aviators is Canada's only career management firm that operates as a social purpose business. The profits from our work support programs that help vulnerable youth flourish in the face of highly stressful life situations.

Our approach to career management is different from any other provider. Career Aviators helps professionals, managers, and executives find positions in which they will excel, value highly, and love to do. We are proud of our 93% success rate in helping clients to achieve this goal.  We see clients on a weekly basis from the initiation of service until they are employed in a job that fits.

 How Does This Idea Work?

 Career Aviators will provide:

  • Comprehensive training in the Career Aviators methodology

  • Co- consultation with your clients until we mutually agree that you are ready for solo practice

  • Ongoing weekly professional development and sharing of triumphs and challenges

  • Certification as a Career Aviators Career Management Consultant

  • ·The Career Aviators brand for you to use as you grow the business

  • A page about your business on our website

  • Provide you with unlimited access to our materials, forms etc

  • Collaborative business planning and learning as we grow and adapt to change

We ask you to:

  • Research any licensing issues in your community or province

  • Find 3 Beta clients

  • Set up a sole proprietorship for a career management consultancy

  • Successfully complete the full training ( 100 hours of training and supervised practice)

  • Prepare your Career Aviators page

  • Find more clients during training and going forward

  • Keep 75% of your earnings. 25% is directed to Career Aviators to grow the business for all of us across the country.

  • Agree to maintain the integrity of the Career Aviators methodology and brand for 5 -7 years

  • Bring another business or coaching strength to the benefit of a Canada wide team



  • Empowerment oriented with a demonstrated ability to help others flourish

  • A curious, life-long learner with a keen interest in professional development

  • Experienced in counselling, coaching or related work

  • Solution-focused, sound judgement with a good sense of humour and flexible in attitude

  • Committed to  helping clients from initial contact until they have successfully transition

  • Bachelors degree in a relevant program and proven success in a related line of work or equivalent

  • Proven experience in networking with a strong network of helpful contact

  • High degree of resilience and determination to make the business successful


  •  Proven experience in sales, marketing and communications is highly desirable

  • Graduate studies in management, counselling or other related programs

  • Professional qualification in social work, psychology  coaching  or career development

  • Previous success in helping others with resumes, job search and career transitions

If you are interested in discussing this exciting opportunity, please contact:

Wayne Greenway,

Chief Executive Officer, Career Aviators

LinkedIn: ca.linkedin.com/in/wgreenway

E: wayne.greenway@careeraviators.com

P: 226 501 5667

Stuck: Nervous About Starting Or Growing Your Business?   You are not alone!

Photo by Tomas Tuma on Unsplash

Photo by Tomas Tuma on Unsplash

Fear of failure prevents many Canadians from starting a business. The 2018 data from Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM), an organization dedicated to the study of entrepreneurship, shows that among Canadians who say there are good opportunities for entrepreneurship, that 43 percent would be prevented from starting a business due to fear of failure.

We see it in our Career Management practice. Clients come to us trying to discern their best direction.  They have a business plan that they have worked on with their business advisor. The business advisor is happy with the business planning to date.  They are ready to move forward but they get stuck! They don’t know if they should take the plunge and leave their job to move forward with the business. Sometimes the idea of  dabbling in the business while they remain in their job does not get traction either, even though it would be a less risky decision.

Its thoughts like: “this is going to fail,” ” I will never be successful,” “who would buy my products or service,” “there is too much competition,” “it will never work etc.”  that override the logic of the business planning and often what the client deeply wants to do

They are stuck. While a number of authors offer suggestions to help submerge these thoughts or to reframe them, we find that this often just gives these kind of thoughts more power. Quick fixes don’t work well and even when we think they have worked, the thoughts often creep back in a different way.

We are working on a process to help people to develop a practice where they  become increasingly skilled at getting unstuck. They act on their strengths in the direction of their values to achieve what is deeply matters to them.  Read more



Wayne Greenway is Senior Partner with Career Aviators, a Certified B Corporation® that directs all profit to innovative youth leadership initiatives in Guelph, Ontario, Canada. He is proud of a 93% success rate in helping helps clients from across Canada to find jobs in which they will excel, value highly and love to do. Helping clients to get unstuck and move forward in career and business decisions is a regular part of his work. He is becoming known as a thought leader in this area.

Getting Stuck Giving Performance Feedback

Have you ever felt stuck_-page-001.jpg

In career management, I only hear the employee’s side of issues but an estimated 60% of clients seen to date have received no performance reviews or very little detailed feedback on their work. It’s a common  reason for wanting to transition. 

In a 2017 HBR Blog Post, Jack Zenger and Joseph Folkman confirm through their survey that 44% of managers find giving negative feedback very stressful but the interesting result was that  37% of the people who took their  self-assessment conceded that they don’t even give positive reinforcement!

“One of the most difficult parts of a manager’s job is giving feedback. In a survey of 7,631 people, we asked whether they believed that giving negative feedback was stressful or difficult, and 44% agreed.”

Giving feedback is incredibly difficult for most of us. When talking with managers about giving feedback, the authors report that they “often hear comments such as, “I did not sleep the night before,” “I just wanted to get it over quickly,” “My hands were sweating and I was nervous,” and “They don’t pay me enough to do this job.”

Giving feedback raises thoughts in us such as:: “This is going to backfire”, “I have never been any good at giving feedback”, “The person is going to hate me,” “if I don’t do this right I could have group dynamics problems,” or “who am I to give this positive feedback,” “they are going to think I am manipulating them or I am being artificial. “

The result is that managers get stuck and the feedback, that they know is valuable just does not happen.

“We find that because of this anxiety, some managers resist giving their direct reports any kind of critical feedback at all: when we asked a different group of 7,808 people to conduct a self-assessment, 21% admitted that they avoid giving negative feedback.”

In our practice, we find that people get stuck by similar kinds of thoughts at many different stages of their career discernment and job search process. Often they do not notice they are stuck and they let other things in life take priority over the task they are avoiding, which they know is more important to their long term fulfillment.

We have been working on the development of a process based on positive psychology and acceptance and commitment therapy  that we teach people to help them get unstuck and while it  takes practice and a sense of determination, it seems to work well for most people and they often talk about how it helps them get unstuck in other parts of their life.  Learn more





Wayne Greenway is Senior Partner with Career Aviators, a Certified B Corporation® that directs all profit to innovative youth leadership initiatives in Guelph, Ontario, Canada. He is proud of a 93% success rate in helping helps clients from across Canada to find jobs in which they will excel, value highly and love to do. Helping clients to get unstuck and move forward in career and business decisions is a regular part of his work. He is becoming known as a thought leader in this area.

Career Aviators, Guelph ON  --- Overwhelmed By the Kindness of Others


April 2, 2019

I am overwhelmed by the tremendously encouraging notes and the generous gifts from colleagues and friends  to support a Go Fund Me Campaign I established just 19 days ago.

Recently, I was selected as one of 29 speaker accompanist/ support volunteers for the internationally renown C2 Conference 2019 and the Movin'on Summit in Montreal (May/June 2019).   These conferences are renowned educational experiences that draw top international thinkers and business leaders to focus on business development for a better planet. 

What makes attendance so important to me is that I can use the knowledge and connections to grow my business which directs 100% of its profit to innovative youth leadership initiatives in Guelph.

While my volunteer acceptance waives the registration fee of $6000.00 for both conferences,  Career Aviators is still in its start-up phase (This is my first year of working at it full time) and unfortunately, we don’t have a professional development fund to cover the associated costs.

I initially thought I would need to decline the offer to volunteer at the conferences. Yet, I did not want to lose the opportunity.  These conferences could make a huge difference to Career Aviators. Both Conferences are entirely experiential and consequently participants develop different and deeper kinds of  relationships with other participants than they do at traditional conferences.

“Forget everything you know about conferences. You won’t find any trade floors or exhibitors’ booths here. C2 Montréal is about experiencing the unexpected, taking a step back, recharging and leaving your comfort zone behind. This three-day event brings together visionaries and forward-thinkers from around the world to explore the relationship between commerce and creativity, and its potential to redefine business” is what C2 describes on their website.

My research showed past participants had all made connections or gained new ideas which shifted and grew their businesses. This kind of learning could assist Career Aviators in reaching  its goal of directing 20,000.00 per year, by 2023, to innovative youth leadership initiatives in Guelph

What also attracts me is their interest in sustainability. C2 describes the theme, Now:

“Global challenges require us to make impactful efforts, both individually and collaboratively, right now. The business community is home to the kinds of powerful, broad-spectrum thinkers and doers who can influence and evolve — perhaps even revolutionize — the ways in which we work while leading towards a better, more sustainable and inclusive future.”

Their interest in sustainability is also reinforced by hosting the Movin’On Summit held one week later on the same site, which explores new and actionable solutions to address global challenges that will define the future of mobility.

Sustainability, Creativity, Business Growth and Innovation are the foundation of these conferences and that aligns with why Career Aviators became a Certified B Corporation in 2017  




Wayne Greenway is 75% on his way to Montreal thanks to many kind supporters. Words simply cannot express his gratitude to those who are helping me to grow Career Aviators through the learning and contacts he gains at these conferences

Interested in helping Wayne get the rest of the way there? Go Fund Me Campaign

Mindfulness: The Platform To Get Unstuck

Photo by Lesly Juarez on Unsplash

Mindfulness is a process of awareness. It involves paying attention to experience in the moment as opposed to being caught up in thoughts (Harris 2009)

Mindfulness is spending any amount of time focused on one object while you let all of your other thoughts and feelings pass through your mind without attending to them.

With practice, you can experience a whole new world as you focus on the present. It is the platform from which to grow permanently unstuck

Interested in learning more  about mindfulness ?

Interested in learning more about getting unstuck so you can move forward using your strengths in the direction of your values ?

Career Aviators On C2 Montreal: About Aithan Shapira


On C2, is a daily post which pulls out interesting aspects of C2 Montreal, May 22-24,2019 — The most forward-thinking business event in the world

One of the interesting speakers: “Aithan Shapira is the founder of Making to Think, a company that advises executives at complex, global organizations on how best to foster company cultures that enable innovation and change. Drawing from his experience as a professional artist, Aithan’s strategies and techniques are doing more than guide corporate incubators of talent — he’s also shaping international governments’ innovation initiatives, business and arts education curricula, and coaching leaders on how to “see and listen differently” in the tectonic shift from building tools to creating cultures as their competitive advantage. Aithan is currently leading three international university initiatives integrating their arts colleges and business schools, and he’s pioneering progressive curricula at the edge of leadership, skills retraining and the future of work at MIT Sloan, Harvard iLab, Stanford d.school and the Berklee Institute for Creative Entrepreneurship” (C2 Montreal 2019 - Commerce and Creativity)

Are you considering a career transition? Wayne Greenway is Senior Partner with Career Aviators, a Certified B Corporation® that directs all profit to innovative youth leadership initiatives in Guelph, Ontario, Canada. He is proud of a 93% success rate in helping helps clients from across Canada to find jobs in which they will excel, value highly and love to do. Helping clients to get unstuck and move forward in career and business decisions is a regular part of his work, He is becoming known as a thought leader in this area.

Wayne was recently selected as a speaker accompaniment/support volunteer for the internationally renown C2 Conference 2019 and the Movin'on Summit in Montreal (May/June 2019)

You Can Always Take Another Route ....But First You Need To Get Unstuck


First in a series of articles on “getting unstuck” in business and life

 In March of last year, Jordan Peele was the first black person to win an Oscar for best original screenplay for Get Out, which he was also nominated for directing. In his acceptance speech, he described how he almost did not finish the screenplay for the movie:

"This means so much to me. I stopped writing this movie about 20 times, because I thought it was impossible," he said during his acceptance speech. "I thought it wasn't going to work. I thought no one would ever make this movie. But I kept coming back to it because I knew if someone let me make this movie, that people would hear it and people would see it. So I want to dedicate this to the people who raised my voice and let me make this movie." 

 Like Jordan, each of us has two choices to make with any life decision. We can choose to act on our values of safety and security and be less than we want to be.  It's easy and requires less discipline and is often immediately pleasurable . The result is life with little purpose, happiness, and  increased self doubt. 

Alternatively, we can act on what deeply matters to us to persevere through our self doubts and our fear. We can choose to grow  through failures and many challenges to accomplish as much as we can, in the direction of our strengths.  The result will be life with purpose, meaning, accomplishment, strong relationships and happiness. 

In the case of the first choice, the voice inside your head  will be saying   "What if my business idea fails?” "What if my feedback makes the situation worse?" “I am such a fraud . What am I doing in this role”

Can you hear the fear, self doubt, or hesitation in any of these voices? It leads to excessive hesitation or sometimes giving up on your plan before you have even begun . Fear and self doubt defeat more good projects and optimal moments in our life than failure ever will.   It often feels safer to choose to give up or delay than to risk the shame of failure. These kind of thoughts come from what is called our "thinking mind" .

It turns out that we can only get minimally unstuck by trying to push down our thinking mind thoughts, thinking positively  or by analyzing why we have them. Research from Acceptance and Commitment therapy offers some of the best advice on getting unstuck -- in a way that lasts. Practicing these principles or steps give us the freedom to take another path if the one we are on does not work out.

 At Career Aviators, we take a seven step approach to getting unstuck:

One of the most important steps is to realize that in day to day life we have two minds, a thinking mind which is driven by the oldest part of our brain and an observing mind. Our thinking mind is perfectly designed to help us with practical planning and problem solving but its not built to solve emotional or relationship problems. It is set up to protect us. It’s the part of the brain that holds us back from starting that business, giving staff  feedback, or moving forward when we feel like we are a fraud.

Once we separate the two minds, we can use our observing mind to watch our thinking mind in action. Just noticing that one's thinking mind is trying to  “run the show”  is often enough to reduce its influence over us, freeing us to act on our strengths and in the direction of our values. We then take steps to  move forward In the face of our fear or doubts. Each time we do, we become stronger and more successful.

In our work with clients, we find that getting unstuck, in a lasting way, happens when this is regularly practiced together with the other steps in the process: being present, creating a new story, getting clear on our happiness and renewal and firmly acting on our strengths in the direction of our values.

Learn more in Guelph, ON on May 3, 2019 or Toronto ON on June 15,2019


Wayne Greenway is Senior Partner with Career Aviators, a Certified B Corporation® that directs all profit to innovative youth leadership initiatives in Guelph, Ontario, Canada. He is proud of a 93% success rate in helping helps clients from across Canada to find jobs in which they will excel, value highly and love to do. Helping clients to get unstuck and move forward in career and business decisions is a regular part of his work.  He is becoming known as a thought leader in this area.

10 Characteristics of A Rapid Effective Job Search

its often the time of year when people think about career and job transitions. Our coming celebration of sustaining a consistent 93 % success rate over 5 years has led me to explore the difference between those who rapidly find positions in which they will excel, value highly and love to do and those who have not experienced this kind of success prior to our work together.

Some clients have spent a year or more searching with few replies to their applications. Others have transitioned but the position is just “okay” and they want to find something that truly fits.

I reviewed over 100 clients who have used our services and 10 characteristics came up repeatedly in how they planned and executed a rapid effective job search:

1.       They created a career destination that will mobilize their chosen strengths, in the direction of their deepest values and what they are most curious about.

2.       They took the time to understand themselves, what they wanted and what they chose to bring to their next position.

3.       Their search was driven by a powerful career statement which they continually sharpened and focused as they zeroed in on the job titles they are seeking.

4.       80% of their job search was spent on field research and 20% all other strategies.

5.       Their resume was accomplishment oriented and highly targeted to the qualifications the employer was seeking.

6.       Their entire process was directed at “finding offers: not “looking for a job”.

7.       Each application was written to get the interview and not the job.

8.       They recruited and managed a team of at least 15 lookouts who helped them to find positions before they were posted.

9.       They negotiated between offers with their career statement as guideline.

10.   They had once or sometimes twice a week with a career management consultant  

It only makes sense to integrate these ideas as you begin planning your career transition or job search
