Career Landing Programme Description

Career Landing Programme Level 1: Foundation Building For Job Search Success. 

Through this 9-day interactive course you will:

  • Discern who you are and who you want to be in this new job

  • Create a powerful new master version of your resume - ready for customization 

  • Craft a persuasive LinkedIn profile tailored to your job search 

  • Create a career statement designed to direct every step of your search

Time: 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM ET  class instruction (with 2 hours of homework each night)

Date: Monday, January 23, 2023 -Thursday, January 5, 2023

Registration Information:

  • Registration is limited to 6 participants 


Career Landing Programme Level 2: Search Strategy and Tactics

Through this 9-day interactive course you will:

  • Learn how to authentically network to clearly define your next role and undercover jobs before they are posted 

  • Build a list of 15  key networking contacts to pursue 

  • Create a strategy and timeline for conducting your search in Level 3

  • Design and structure the conversations that will help your search  

  • Learn our application customization methodology that gets interviews

  • Learn how to prepare for screening and selection Interviews

Time: 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM ET  class instruction (with 2 hours of homework each night)

Date: Starts one week after Level 2 Ends

Registration Information: 

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Career Landing Programme Level 1

  • Registration is limited to 10 participants 

  • You will be given application instructions at the end of Level 1


Career Landing Programme Level 3: Job Search Execution 

10 weeks of weekly team consultation you will:

  • Go after jobs in which you will excel, value highly, and love to do 

  • Sustain the mindset and focus required for a successful search

  • Get timely on-the-spot advice on the execution of what you learned in Levels1 & 2

  • Be guided in finding multiple offers

  • Keep motivated and on track to finding the right job

  • Grow in the face of failures: Set new possibilities through networking and dialogue with the team

  • Practice with team members and get professional guidance to gain the  confidence needed for networking and interviews

Registration Information 

Date: Starts one week after Level 2 Ends

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Job Search 2

You will be given application instructions at the end of level 2 

And Every Four Months…… Join The Celebration!

Celebrating successes is very important in fostering professional growth. We will invite you back after all your team members have landed their new positions to share what you learned in your job search with new participants and jointly celebrate your success.

Who Should Apply?

You are: 

  • A mid to late-stage career executive, professional, or manager who is planning a career transition or is currently in a job search.  

  • Serious about transitioning and committed to rapidly launching a successful job search.

  • Ready for the hard work to achieve your goals.

  • Eager to embark on a course that will challenge you beyond what you may have experienced in the past.  

  • Intent on getting multiple offers for jobs in which you will excel, value highly and love to do -- A job that will bring you a sense of purpose in life. 

  • An active participant in all learning activities. 


385.00 per level.

Want More Information

To have a free consultation and learn more about the Career Landing Programme, please click the link to choose a time that works for you!

Career - Life Ballooning

A free series for discovering your career direction during COVID-19

Are you looking to uncover new ideas for your career direction

This pandemic has turned everything upside down

Maybe you’re unsure if you still have a job or perhaps your job no longer exists. You might be worried about a big “re-org,” or possibly, through this crisis, you have realized that your current work doesn’t align with what’s important to you now.

We’re here to help

Job search was tough before COVID. Now it’s more challenging than any job you’ve ever embarked upon. We’ve got your back.

Career Aviators offers a proven process and tools to develop the right mindset, craft your resume, create a search strategy and shine in interviews.

Experience the Career Aviators Career - Life Guided Imagery Process.

In a relaxed state, you will envision yourself in a beautiful hot air balloon looking down on the times in your life when you were happiest and most successful.

We will be your guide in this unique process, adapted from its use in health, business and professional sports.

Next you will create a life graph of these experiences and we will help you analyze your graph to uncover clues for your future path.

In this free,* one-week program, you will:

  • Define your strengths,values and what you are most curious about doing

  • Uncover or confirm the next steps in your career path

  • Experience the benefits of mindfulness for an effective job search

  • Leave with the Career Aviators Blueprint For Effective Job Search

Join us for this 6 day experience(one-hour per day) (10:00am - 11:00am ET) to discover your career direction.

Sessions will be strong in content and light in spirit. We’ll include a blend of dialogue/ instruction, small group discussion followed by intensive homework assignments ( 1- 2 hours) to be completed for the next day of training.

This workshop will be offered again in the winter of 2021. Contact Career Aviators for more details

Getting To Un-Stuck

Build your capacity to move forward in the face of mental blocks, to pursue what is deeply important to you in your life

Why Take This Workshop?

• Do you get held back by thoughts like: I might fail, I am an impostor, I am not trained or qualified enough, I don't deserve this success, I am too old or inexperienced etc.?
• Have you ever had a great idea that just never gets executed?
• Would you like to move forward with your business or career but you just stay where you are?
• Do you have trouble choosing between options?
• Do you get blocked by a myriad of tasks that all seem far more important than moving forward with something that might make a huge positive impact in your life?

Our greatest ideas, our best work and optimal moments in our life are often hampered because we just get stuck.

This 7-step practice is designed to help individuals relinquish what blocks them choosing between important life or business options, to move forward with a new idea or take the next step in executing decisions or major life transitions. It cuts through the fog of uncertainty, fear, and apprehension to bring clarity and confidence to their decision making.

The workshop pulls from research in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Positive Psychology, Career Management and Leisure Studies as well as extensive practical experience gained in successfully helping clients get unstuck in career planning and job search

Reflection during the day will provide an opportunity for group and professional feedback

Your Facilitators

Wayne Greenway

Wayne Greenway has devoted his career to helping individuals and organizations thrive. As the founder of Career Aviators, he has empowered clients and workshop participants to take control of their future. He developed the Career Aviators methodology into a proven strategy for successful career transitions. 93% of his clients find careers in which they excel, value highly and love to do. On a daily basis, he helps clients get unstuck in career and life decisions.
Prior to Career Aviators, Wayne spent more than 20 years honing his facilitation skills, teaching in the Faculty of Medicine/Health Sciences at Queen’s University and leading experiential learning workshops for wide range of national, provincial and local organizations. He most recently managed the highly successful 2nd and 4th Canadian Conferences on Positive Psychology. When not running his business, you will find him farming, cooking or endlessly trying to get into shape!

Process for the Day

Welcome and Introductions

Get Mindful 
Mindfulness is a process of awareness. It involves paying attention to experience in the moment as opposed to being caught up in thoughts (Harris 2009)
Mindfulness is spending any amount of time focused on one object while you let all of your other thoughts and feelings pass through your mind without attending to them.
With practice, you can experience a whole new world as you focus on the present. It is the platform from which to grow permanently unstuck

Wake -Up Your Inner Observer
Realizing that you have the ability to separate harmful thoughts from what you observe in any situation transforms your perception of events as they unfold in the present.

Separating The Meaning From The Words In Harmful Thoughts
Trying to deny, bury or understand your harmful thoughts is a common strategy that fails but separating thoughts from the meaning that you have attached to them dis-empowers their hold on you and enable you to get past the blockage

Refreshments and Reflection

Get Clear on your Happiness & Renewal
Science tells that happiness is fleeting when we do not understand it or when you try too hard to grasp it. Getting clear on what makes us truly happy, fulfilled and renewed will inform the strengths and values you choose to act on as you become unstuck.

Lunch (30 min)

Knowing what matters to you is critical to being unstuck. It enables you to powerfully drive your hopes, strengths and curiosity forward in solid alignment with your true values.

Create Your Story
Your story is your life compass, Creating a powerful story about what you choose to bring forward in your future will keep you unstuck

Refreshments and Check in -- Applications For Those We Serve

Acting on Your Strengths in the Direction of Your Values
Setting a useful action plan to time activate your story will make it come to successful fruition

Evaluation for Future Sessions
Your input will guide the development of future workshops

Celebratory Refreshments and Certificates
We will celebrate your hard work and your chosen path to change with a celebration
This workshop will be hosted again in Winter 2021. Please contact Career Aviators for more information



Career Aviators Propeller Workshop

DIY career and job search!

“It’s the best DIY for career search that you will find in Canada”

Why take this workshop?

  • Want to do your job search on your own? Every month you spend in a job search costs you $3,000 to $10,000 in lost or increased income.

  • You cannot afford the cost of experimenting in how to do your job search correctly.

  • Doing it the right way will get you a career that fits...faster.

This intensive evening Propeller Workshop will give you the steps and tools to propel you into an active independent job search.

Interested For detailed information and to register:

Coming Soon