Component 1 - Self-Discovery
You will establish who you are and exactly who you want to be in your career. You will leave this phase with a career statement to drive every step of your search
Component 2- Resume Reboot
We will meet frequently and work by phone email and Google Docs. You will analyze your current resume and you will turn it into a high performing master resume and LinkedIn profile, ready for the next step in your search
Component 3 - Your Search Strategy
Fully supported with a mixture of learning sessions and check-in sessions (approximately 10 sessions), you will plan and execute your search strategy including structured career conversations and field research interviews with people with job title you are most curious about. You will form a lookout team to help you find hidden jobs before they are posted.
Component 4 - Application Customisation
In more frequent shorter sessions (until you successfully negotiate an offer) we work together to customize each application including your resume and cover letter.
Component 5 - Interview Preparation and Position Negotiation
Over the course of several sessions, you will learn how to effectively manage each interview through careful research, mock interview feedback and rehearsal.
You'll be ready to negotiate multiple offers using your career statement and our consultation
Additional Support
Some clients need more intensive support (beyond 7 hours per component)when circumstances make the search longer or to provide ongoing career management support after they are in their new position. We offer additional sessions at $80.00 per hour.