Discover the path that leads to the Right Career for you - One in which you will excel, value highly and love to do.
Participants In this workshop will come away with the following results:
• Learn what makes up their "right job"
• Zero in on a career path that fits
• Discover who they are and who they want to be next in their career
• Create a powerful tool to guide every stage of their search
• Reduce confusion in making their choices
• Learn how to get great offers
Are You At A Crossroads?
Bullied in your job and it is time for change.
The job you thought you loved no longer excites you
Outgrown your job or it has outgrown you
Job is gone and what is next?
Finished university or about to retire and seeking direction
97% of our clients find jobs in which they excel, value highly and love to do.
Come experience our proven methodology through interactive training, roundtable discussions, design thinking and feedback through peer and professional feedback.
Fee: $75.00 (including lunch)
Early Bird Registration: $50.00
Bursaries Available